Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bedrest and a 2-Year Old!!!

A lot of people have asked how I manage bedrest with a toddler. The answer is, "Not without careful planning." For any activity that we will do the next day my husband has to set out the materials that we will need on the coffee table which has been moved next to the couch so that I can lay down and entertain my daughter.

That being said. Here is our bedrest activity of the day:

We read, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. While reading short stories I always point to every word that I am reading and allow Ella to turn the pages one at a time. We talked about the pictures, what "hungry means", counted the foods the caterpillar ate, and talked about the word "big."

Question Ideas while reading:

-Look! Look at that tiny egg! What do you think will come out of that egg? What else comes out of eggs?

-The caterpillar is very hungry. What should he do?

-What do you think he will eat?

-Let's count the apples... (pears, plums, etc.)

-Look! He used to be very small! Now he is very big! What else is small/big?

-The caterpillar turned into a butterfly! Look at all of the beautiful colors! What colors do you see?

When we finished reading we used pom poms, eyeballs, clothespins, and construction paper to make our own caterpillar and butterfly. The butterfly wings are traced handprints of Ella.

The purpose of this activity begins with the simple enjoyment of reading which will intrinsicly develop a content reader. While pointing to the words and turning pages you will be teaching concepts of print which are strategies your child will need to begin reading succesfully. The questions provide for early comprehension and vocabulary expansion. While making the caterpillars is more of a craft than an art project, it does allow the child to make connections to the literature and promote further enjoyment of reading time.


For older children this book also provides opportunities to talk about nature, begin reading practice, and talk about the days of the week.

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